How are you, friend?

Mental health matters in all stages of our lives. Seeking help is never something to be ashamed of. This Mental Health Awareness month, support Active Minds and their mission to improve mental health for young adults. They have a ton of resources about how you can help others in your life, too. Check 'em out → Reader, your business doesn't run itself. YOU book the calls, call the shots, and make the decisions. ...Then, YOU run your household and errands. YOU take care of the kids and all of...

Ah, home 🏡

Hey Reader, Have you ever felt a sense of home? A moment where you feel like you are exactly where you are supposed to be, and time seems frozen? Maybe you feel it when you're with certain people, or in a certain space. Sometimes, a serendipitous sense washes over you all at once, reminding you of what you cherish most. That's how I felt recently. 8 years ago, I had a summer job in Miami working with a youth group. Those 3 months fostered irreplaceable relationships and created another home...

🐱 got your tongue?

Reader, Do you ever feel like you're not connecting with your ideal audience? … like you're unsure that what you're saying shows your credibility, or makes you appear the way you want to appear? I hear you. We've all been there. But you're overthinking it (I know I usually do). It's hard for us to take a birds-eye view of our messaging; we're too close to it and often don't see our communicative blind spots. So how do I know if what I'm saying is connecting? Tell them why you're here. Being...

Time for [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] to bloom 🌿🌷

Reader, is there a time of year that gives you a renewed sense of self or motivation? For me, that typically happens in April. Once the winter freezes have subsided and I can take my tropical plants to the porch and my seeds to the soil, I feel brand new. This April is especially exciting because my daughter will help me plant herbs and vegetables for the first time (we just bought the seeds this week!). I'm a big believer that there are seasons of business where we need to step back to...

✨ New year, better intentions ✨

Happy 2024, Reader! 🥳 I hope your year is off to an AMAZING start! Are you the "New Year's resolutions" type? I'll be honest... this is the first year in a long time where I haven't set hard resolutions (because let's be real, life usually causes us to reroute our plans). BUUUT I have decided to be more intentional in this brand new year filled with incredible opportunities coming our way! 💖 In business and my personal life, that looks like ✨ Saying "no" more often ✨ Showing up as myself,...


The Resolute Type Notes for the Unshakable Reformer Reader, how do people find you? How do they engage with you? What's your main source of leads? 💨POOF💨 It's gone. Feeling queasy? I don't mean to give you a dose of anxiety while your coffee cup is still full, but I wanna be real real for a sec... If you answered a social media platform to any or all of those ☝ questions, you need to have a next step. Take one of my clients, for example. He relies on LinkedIn for the majority of his...

🎁 Christmas came early!

The Resolute Type Notes for the Unshakable Reformer Hey hey Reader! Happy December! ☃❄🎄 This month is full of holidays AND it's my birthday month, so I'm feeling very generous... I want YOU to have first dibs on a NEW resource to help you level up your email marketing game in 2024! 🥰 🎉 I've created the Mission-Driven Email Master Plan, an email strategy planner that will help you weave your story into kickass emails, map them out, and generate email content ideas for more future emails. Grab...

Too late ✈

The Resolute Type Notes for the Unshakable Reformer I frantically raced my daughter's stroller through Denver Airport, catching the tram with what I thought was enough time to spare. My plane was reversing as I breathlessly ran up to the gate to the sound of my daughter demanding "Elmo 'nacks". I'd just missed my flight for the first time EVER. How could we miss it when I'm always on time, everywhere I go? It wasn't my fault that security was backed up to the entrance and the person in front...

👻 The scariest thing about to hit your inbox...

The Resolute Type Notes for the Unshakable Reformer Happy Halloween! 🎃 🧙 🔮 Reader! Spooky season is one of my favorite times of year! I don't scare easily, but I have noticed something frightening the past couple weeks... Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales emails. Full force. Which is fine, buuuuttt... Not when they're sleazy or clearly pining for a sale. We all gotta make it somehow, but would you buy from someone who's been MIA for 6 months, only to pop in your inbox and say, "Prepare for our...

I write polished email and web copy for mission-driven businesses and non-profits. If you believe words have the power to change the world, then sign up for my newsletter, The Resolute Type!

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